Thursday, August 31, 2006

I've been busy

We are nearing the end of the term and so I've not done much this week aside from work. This weekend I should be doing some blogworthy things, I hope so. J. has agreed to guest blog but will likely not be able to do so until early next week. I will attempt to write more later on today if time permits. Today is "Teacher Appreciation Day" which means that some parents will be throwing a celebration for us after school. Also, lunch will be catered and likely very posh. Posh is a word seldom used in America but common here.

Other words and phrases of British common usage: "Swimmies"--swim suit. "Slippers" in reference to flip flops. "Should I come round to yours?"--Can I come over to your house? "Cheap as chips."--self explanatory (or are they all?).

There are more, I'll mention them as they occur. I fully realize how mundane these last posts have become. I am certainly going to be traveling by month's end and will be doing some interesting things in the next few days. Hopefully, inspiration will return to me and I will write something of interest today, in a couple of hours. If not, J.'s post should be interesting, so look forward to that. Again, this is a good time for questions and comments that might spark my preoccupied mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Describe the posh luncheon--I love to read about the food. Are there gifts as well? How is the basketball going? Julie

8:38 AM  
Blogger Jamison said...

Don't be overly concerned about thinking that any posts are "mundane". If I understand your intentions correctly, this is mostly a blog to let your friends and family know what is happening in your life. I like getting a feel of what day to day life is like for you and not just when something really amusing takes place.

On top of that, you happen to be half way around the planet and giving us a picture of what life is like in a place that we only hear about in the news when there is some spectacular natural disaster or war. This makes it interesting in and of itself.

That said, I'm looking forward to the guest blogging this week. J is more interesting and much prettier than you (and you're a pretty, pretty man).

10:36 PM  

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