Monday, August 14, 2006

these are the pictures, ran out of time earlier

Things just are working with the posting of photos. I ran out of time earlier and had to get to class, but hopefully by this time will work out.

Kate, ask my parents for my email, although it's the same as it used to be so you might have it somewhere. I have your email, but it's in a drawer at home and I don't have internet there. Then I can send you pictures directly.

This is a short week and I'm not going anywhere over the upcoming break. It will be independence day in Indonesia on Thursday. Soekarno, Indonesia's first president, declared Indonesia to be indpendent on August 17, 1945--approximately one week after the Japanese occupiers had been devasted by the detonation of two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but before any official surrender. The British and Americans swept the Japanese off of the archipelago with the intention of reinstalling Dutch rule, they failed in that regard. Indonesians had become too revolutionary and too well armed to be recolonized. The Dutch would not recognize Indonesian independence for another four years, but they did not control anything in the meantime. At any rate, there should be some interesting activities on Thursday to witness.

It is very common for young children to work as vendors on the streets. During periods of heavy traffic, they will approach your car window and try to sell you a snack, or a newspaper, or lately, small Indonesian flags. Poor children work if they can here, the students I teach needn't do the same.

One of the teachers is having a Barbeque Thursday night. It should be nice. The usual gang will be there, my roommate, the Brit, the "untrained" teacher I told you about, and others. My best friend will be in Jakarta and Bandung for the weekend and doesn't mind saying so.


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