Friday, August 25, 2006

like school on saturday, no class

The title is a reference to "Fat Albert". On that show someone would say to, I don't know, Rudy: "Rudy, you're like school on Saturday." And Rudy would say, "School on Saturday?!" and then that person speaking to Rudy would reply, "Yeah, no class." I don't know why I thought that was worth explaining. I have little time to post because the net is so slow today that I waited 25 minutes for the posting page to appear. Fortunately, I have little to say that's of any news.

I have a class of students whose English is so poor that it is very difficult to get them to understand concepts of Geography or History. I have to teach them how to read maps and J. suggested that I have them make maps of the school, then have them use their maps to on a treasure hunt. I said that's a good idea, and she said, "Yeah, it is."

So that's what we'll be up to next week in Secondary 1 Da Vinci Geography. Da Vinci is the room name. All the classes are named after famous Westerners. My mentor class in Van Gogh and there is a Monet and an Edison and a Copernicus. The students tend to pronouce that last one as "copper knickers."

There is a Primary three boy who is as tiny as can be and he has huge ears. He reached up to me today to grab onto my forearm (a lot of the students like to touch my skin) and I lifted up. He held on until he was hanging from about shoulder height. This greatly amused the other kids in the class and they all wanted to try.

My height is of great interest to most of the kids and they often ask me, "Sir, how did you get so tall?" I finally responded to one kid after he'd asked me for the thousandth time, "I did the same thing you did to get so short, only in reverse."


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