Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Slow news day

I've gotten quite used to a total absence of tv. We have a television but the shows are all in Bahasa Indonesia. It is possible to get satelite or cable but I don't have the energy to inquire about it at this point and little faith that any inquiry would lead to any results in the near future. I'm not sure how much I'd actually watch anyway and would settle for home internet service. Another teacher here who speaks the language fluently has been accepting home internet service on a "trial" basis meaning that she will not sign up with anyone until she believes their service is reliable and not soul crushingly slow. She's agreed to help me do the same. We'll see.

If all else fails I will simply spend more time in the internet cafe that is not too far from my house, but too far to walk. In US dollars it's a 3dollar cab ride. In Minneapolis many cabs start their meters higher than that.

Back to food, chocolate is available, but if you like extremely sweet candy like jelly beans, or gummy bears or licorice, forget it. Last night there was a gecko in the jelly beans I'd left out. Geckos are good and welcome in the house. They're tiny and supposedly eat mosquitos but ours seem to be underperforming in that regard.
I have considered getting a pet iguana to help them out but am not sure if geckos and iguana live in harmony. I'll ask around.

Tonight we start basketball. My assistant has been sent to work out the Visa situation in Pinang, Malaysia so it will only be me. So many students signed up for basketball that we had to add an extra day and many of the students are disappointed to learn that I cannot dunk. "But you're so tall" they protest. Alas, I am also old and white.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have e-mail now? If so send us a message so I can send you some personal news. We enjoy your blog tremendously and are glad you decided to do this so we can be a bit of a part of your new life. Love, Mom

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

12:44 AM  

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