Sunday, November 19, 2006

As if he hasn't done enough harm...

Today the President of the United States prevented me from eating at Kentucky Fried Chicken. I began to walk in the direction of that fast food establishment when I saw many, many Indonesian policemen standing before a road block. Just beyond them, I could see people jumping around with signs in hand. A policeman said, "American?" And I said, "Yep." He said, "Danger. Go back." So I did what he said and returned to school and skipped lunch. The consequences of his failed foreign policy are impossibly far reaching.

Thanks to Jamison for commenting. I think the media fails to see Bush's remark vis a vis Vietnam as a gaffe because it is a very shallow media indeed. I have real doubts as to the intelligence of nearly everyone who appears on commericial television news. First off, I doubt anyone of actual substance would consider television journalism to be actual journalism. Second, said person of substance would also have to be physically attractive. The chances are too slim to matter. Kerry's "botched joke", as I said before, stumbled upon a truth Americans don't like to talk about.

Nevertheless, let's consider the two statements for a moment, Kerry seemed to say something that we don't like to admit about our armed forces (that they are comprised poor people with few other opportunities), that is not allowable. That must be contradicted, belittled, stamped down. Bush's statement says something that many would like to believe about our armed forces (that they are unbeatable, only poor leadership can explain any failure). Of course, that's not thought to be controversial controversial. To a generation of reporters who learnt their history from Rambo, it must make perfect sense. That he said it in Vietnam makes no difference largely because Americans and Westerners have always suggested, in fact asserted outright, that the nations we colonize and control are filled with people who do not know what's good for them. Take up the White Man's Burden...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the t v journalists are not necessarily shallow, more that they are controlled by the corporate networks and have sold out their souls.. the recent movie about Edward R Murrow makes the point how he trade his consent to do frivilous person to person shows for the freedom to show controversial news shows. and thatwas the "good old days"

8:33 AM  
Blogger Jamison said...

So now the POTUS has trampled on your right to get the extra crispy with a side of mashed potatos? Will the crimes of this administration never end?

The "We woulda' whipped Vietman if it weren't for the liberal pussies and and the politicians not letting the generals do what needed to be done" trope reminds me of a much more relevant and pervasive one that we hear now. Namely, it is the idea that conservatism cannot fail, only individual conservatives.

I've been hearing more of this post-election (although it was there pre-election). The president failed because he is not a "true conservative". The Republicans lost some seats in the election because the weren't conservative enough. It's the "No true Scottsman" falacy. I'm certain that someday Earth will be overthrown by a race of superior beings distracting us with shiny metal objects.

By the way, I just learned today that Jim Jones did not actually lace Kool-aid with cyanide. It was actually Flavor-aid, the cheap Kool-aid knock-off. True story (I think). Cheap bastard!

8:49 PM  
Blogger Jamison said...

I'm not normally one to do this, but I will offer this weak counter argument to:

"First off, I doubt anyone of actual substance would consider television journalism to be actual journalism. Second, said person of substance would also have to be physically attractive. The chances are too slim to matter".

I give you an ex-sports reporter: Olbermann

9:58 PM  
Blogger Jamison said...

Probably the exception that proves the rule, but hey, I'll take what I can get at this point.

9:59 PM  
Blogger LAB said...

Although it would be considered mainstream media, On "countdown with Keith Oberman" last night, he completely slammed Bush's policies toward Iraq. Bush was asked, while in Vietnam, what lessons he has learned, and would apply toward Iraq. Bush stated "We will succeed in Iraq if we don't quit." Oberman went on a tyraid for about 5 minutes, and was right on. It is all on MSNBC website to read ( however NBC is a big supporter of Bush )

1:30 PM  

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