Sunday, September 10, 2006

13 clocks striking at once

Ben Franklin once talked about the difficulty of the original American colonies unifying by comparing it to the difficulty of getting thirteen clocks to strike the same hour simultaneausly. Clockwork did not run like clockwork early on and so, because there was no universal point with which to compare a clock, and because clocks would lose time rather easily, the likelihood of thirteen running on the same time at the same time was slim. In my school no one clock seems to be set to any other. Thus, one can enter a class believing it to be noon only to see that the classroom's clock says 12:05. Since that class has been operating on the assumption that their clock is correct, one finds themselves with shorter period than scheduled. It would seem that this is an easy fix, but no fix is in the making.

The Minnesota Vikings begin their season tomorrow morning my time. Of course, there is no way for me to see this game and I don't remember the last time I missed one. This one I will miss on several levels. It's not exactly homesickness I am feeling, but...

Everyone else here expresses feelings of homesickness from time to time--even the Singaporeans who are but a short flight away. I have avoided those feelings mostly. I don't miss driving, I don't miss much of the lifestyle, but I've cared about the Vikings as long as I can remember, and I always loved fall in Minnesota.

It is raining here today. I asked about when the rainy season begins and was told by a colleague that there is no noticeable rainy season. It rains periodically all year round. I wouldn't mind if rained all day today, I could go home earlier.

Watched "Dirty Pretty Things" last night. It's a story that follows two illegal immigrants in London. Very good. I reccomend it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I teach in the US and no two clocks in the building tell the same time. It is so idiotic. The kids always have an excuse for being late. How is the basketball going?? When is your next break?

10:45 AM  

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